Informal Video (Watch this first)
To my personal experience, I find that watching has become a common past time that I enjoy. To the point where I re-watch gameplays that I have already seen because I love the nature of the gameplay and it reminds me of why I love videogames. Recently, I watched the video linked above called "Things of Beauty: Super Smash Bros. as a Spectator Sport." After watching, I have to completely agree, video games in general has become a spectator sport. For example, competitions such as KTAR, EVO, APEX, and League of Legends World Championship are all prime examples of this. Visitors pay money and the labor to attend these events. Some of these events aren't as big as Worlds or EVO, but people still make the effort to watch their favorite players play. In this growing day and age, videogames has evolved from a past time to a "Thing of Beauty."
Instead of watching these gameplay videos like I usually do, after watching the Things of Beauty video, I have taken an entirely different aspect of viewership. Rather analyzing every little thing that players do when decision making, I have altered my mindset to realize that video games sometimes should not be taken as seriously. I suggest to try and analyze the gameplay video that was linked, then re-watch it with the mindset of pure enjoyment.
I agree with the statement on how video games have become more of a spectator sport at this point. Although I personally don't play as much as I used to and know little about games such as LoL or Super Smash Bros, I can understand why people are so enthusiastic about it. I like your idea for this magazine and how it is unique. I feel as though it fits a specific audience and that audience will gravitate towards this immediately. I think that this concept has a lot to talk about and is always changing. There are many routes you can take on this and no way is wrong. I also applaud you for making the magazine because I think that it's a different kind of challenge that people are afraid to experiment with. I look forward to checking out your magazine cover and spread when it is completed!